Living with a man who has not paid their pride price or married you.
Sending their nude pictures to guys in the name of Love.
Sharing all their secrets with a man they barely know.
Stealing their Parents money to finance a guy.
Giving their School fees to a guy to Celebrate his birthday
Accepting to be a second wife because of so called love.
Wearing the engagement ring of man who doesn’t even know their homes, seen their parents or received their consent.
Fighting all their friends and family members who oppose their love affairs.
Giving your BRIDE PRIDE (virginity) to a man who has not-paid your BRIDE PRICE.
Turning themselves to a Man intimacy gadget and slave in the name of love.
Bathing Unclad with their Guys, who may secretly snap the picture and post it on the internet.
Turning themselves to guy cook.
Turning themselves to launderer washing clothes for guys they say they love.
Public show of romance with your boyfriend who is only deceiving you.
Abusing all other guys around because they feel they are already hooked.
Disobeying their parents for the sake of a man who their parents don’t even know or accept.