(II Kings 2: 9 – 15)
This message focuses on how Elisha received a double portion of
Elijah’s anointing. After Elisha successfully travelled with Elijah from
Gilgal to Jordan, He (Elijah) asked Elisha to mention what he wanted
from him before he would be taken to heaven (II Kings 2: 9). Immediately
Elisha replied that he wanted a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.
There are three areas to focus on in this passage: The role of God, The
role of Elijah (Elisha’s father in the Lord), and the role of Elisha in
the realization of the double portion.
The Role of God: Elijah
could not give Elisha a double portion of his anointing only God could.
In the same way our spiritual father in the Lord cannot give us
anointing only God can. A personal knowledge of God is required for
receiving a double portion of the anointing. God alone is all-sufficient
and He gives us all things to enjoy. We cannot know God and lack the
anointing. He is a rewarder.
The Role of Elijah (The spiritual Father): It
was Elijah that whetted the appetite of Elisha for a double portion. It
is our father also that whets our appetite for the double portion. A
good father wants his children to be greater than him. It is our father
who teaches us how to get from God what he cannot give us. It is our
father who commits God on our behalf. It our father’s anointing that
determines what we get because what we get is proportional to our
father’s anointing. It is the God of Elijah that released the anointing
to Elisha. It is the God of our father in the Lord who releases the
anointing to us as well.
The Role of Elisha (Characteristics of the man who gets double portion):
There are certain characteristics that made Elisha received a double
portion of Elijah’s anointing. Anyone who wants a double portion must
have these characteristics. They include the following.
1. He must be inspired by God: Elisha was prepared by God for his calling.
2. He must
put spiritual things above physical: Elisha was very serious about his
spiritual relationship with God and with Elijah. We need to do the same.
3. He must
be someone who knows how to seize the moment: Elisha seized the moment
when the opportunity to receive double portion was presented to him
4. He must
be fully ready: Elisha was fully ready spiritually to receive double
portion; the five wise virgins were ready. We too must be fully ready.
5. He must
be spiritually awake: Elisha was spiritually awake, no wonder he was
able to receive a double portion of his master’s anointing.
6. He must be heavenly gazed: Elisha’s focus was on God and things of God.
7. He must
give no room for distraction: Elisha was highly focused and he refused
to be distracted by the sons of the prophets. We must do the same.
8. He must be divinely covetous: God wants us to covet the best spiritual gifts.
9. He must have a servant spirit: Elisha served Elijah well as he ministered unto him (II Kings 3: 11).
10. He is the one who asks for the double portion. Elisha asked and he received