Error In The Blood-Line
“For all have sinned, and come shot of the glory of God”. (Rom 3:23) “For the wages of sin is death….. (Rom 6:23)
To every error there is sin and to every sin there is a complementary loss. Someone once said each time we sin, we lost something, and of course that ‘something’ we lost is no other thing but God’s glory –
Just like Adam and his wife, who lost God’s glory after they sinned.
Also, we need to know that any life or destiny void of God’s glory will be full of nothing but shame, frustration, regrets, sorrow and eventually end in death and total separation from God in eternity.
The devil, our arch enemy is also fully aware of this divine truth and that is why he fighting tooth and nail – doing everything possible within his reach to achieve this treacherous aim i.e. to ensure that no human in all their generation ever go scot free without getting spotted with some detrimental pitfalls of errors in the bloodline as one of his primary ways of achieving this.
Call it whatever name you prefer: mistake, soft spot, human weaknesses, adamic nature, error or challenges, all is still one form of sin or the other and sin in all it diversity is a form of spiritual disease troubling the human souls in all every generation.
Under this section we will be sighting scriptural case studies that prove and confirms that sin is the root-cause of every error. That is error don’t just occur within a family lineage without an initiating misdeed mostly committed by the ancestors or predecessor of a given generation. I strongly believe that a correct view of this fact is the first major step to experiencing total victory over every and any form of bloodline error.
And the earlier we begin to realize that whatever error we may be struggling with now or may discover existing in our bloodline has it foundation root in sins either committed directly or indirectly by us or our ancestors.
The better it will be and the nearer and ready will be to experience God’s provided salvation and deliverance procured for us in Christ Jesus.
I want you to agree with me in faith today, that whatever error you are struggling with will definitely submit and bow to the efficacy of Christ shed blood and the authority in His Mighty Name. Yet you need to equally know that unless you are ready to see that error or weakness in you today as a sin worth repenting about, you will never know total deliverance from that burden.
So be encouraged and prepare your mind to do the right thing; because God’s favor and mercy is going to locate.
There are also five (5) basic manifestations of errors in any man’s bloodline. They are:
1. Health-related issues.
2. Marital-related issues
3. Mental Attitudes and Character Flops.
4. Business and Financial Limitations (no success syndrome).
5. The Evil of Untimely Death
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