Matthew 28: 18-20
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth".
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I
am with you always, even unto the end of the world". Amen.
Our responsibility is to teach people to do the things that God has commanded and He has promised He will be with us even to the end of the age. If you would like to secure God’s presence, then ensure that you tell people about Him at every opportunity you get. He has promised to back you up. God wants us to win souls to Him. The simplest form of evangelism is to tell your own story and how God has affected your life. You should never get to the point where you are too comfortable or too concerned about your personal challenges that you are no longer moved by the state of the unsaved or those who have lost hope and are in despair.
Evangelism is very important and it is the main vehicle through which you preach the word of God to the unsaved, the weary and discouraged. Evangelism should not be limited to only door-to-door evangelism which is vital. Do not be discouraged by the rejection you may encounter because when one person accepts Christ, it makes up for all the rejection you may have suffered in the process. However, we live in a technological age and there are different social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter which can be used to spread God’s word and send out messages of hope; even if you are an introvert. You can send out God’s word and other words of encouragement without saying too many words and you will reach thousands of people. Most importantly, your lifestyle should always reflect God’s standards.
Pay attention to the impressions or concerns you have in your heart about a group of people, an individual, or a condition in the environment etc. Start out by praying about the situation or for the person and then take a practical step of engaging with the person or dealing with the situation. Today, the Real Woman Foundation is recognised internationally but it started out after Pastor Nike took a step of faith and first ministered to a young lady, who was a sex worker in a brothel. From that bold step, the ministry has grown and now has programmes targeted at building women and the family. Ask God daily for an opportunity to be a blessing to people and be sensitive to people as you go about your duties. Even if you think you cannot preach, you can always give a word of encouragement or say a prayer for someone who is hurting or facing a tough time. People are usually willing to be prayed for and they will cooperate with you.
The Great Commission commands us to bring healing, salvation and restoration to people (Mark 16:15-18). Healing and comfort can come from our touch, prayers and words. Watch the words you speak to others. Do not use your words to kill people’s dreams, self-esteem or reputations. We are to heal not to kill. Visit hospitals and pray with patients; visit the prisons and give a word of encouragement and use your talents to spread God’s word. There are awesome blessings when you do God’s word and bring comfort and encouragement to others.