The rate of divorce today is becoming so alarming that we need to examine the causes of this. He took is bible reading from SOS 2:15 “Catch us the foxes the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes”
He encouraged couples to take responsibility for their marriage and singles to take responsibility for their lives. There are many killers of marriage namely; Below is an excerpt of Pastor Bisi Adewale message titled EXPOSING KILLERS OF MARRIAGE.
IGNORANCE: Ignorance is the mother of foolishness and foolishness is the number one enemy of progress. When people fail to learn about marriage and how to make it work, they make a mess of it. As couples, you must attend seminars, read books and listen to counselors in order to improve your marriage
WRONG FOUNDATION: the foundation on which a house is built matters a lot and wrong foundation automatically destroys a home. Let your foundation be based on Purity, Divine direction, Prayer and
Wise counsel
BAD CHARACTER: character makes marriage and your character is your marriage. Even though you married beauty or money, you are going to live with the character. Bad and offensive characters like pride, laziness, stubbornness, dirtiness, anger, nagging, prayerlessness, criticism, infidelity, smoking, hatred and so on can destroy any marriage no matter how wonderful it is. You must deal with all bad characters before they deal with your marriage.
STOPPING THE CHASE: you must not stop doing all those beautiful things you did to get that lady to accept your proposal when you are married. Do not take each other for granted. Romance should be a life time hobby in Marriage.
DEMONIC ACTIVITIES: couples must always have this in mind that devil hates marriage and he is doing everything possible to fight it. Couples should join hands to fight the enemy because the Lord is in their camp. Don’t think that the constant trouble in your Marriage is just natural.