The Seven (7) D’s of Success
We are in a generation were everybody blames the Devil for everything that goes wrong in their lives; especially amongst Christian of our days, we blame every set-back and failure on the devil. “Devil – this; devil – that”…
Nobody really wants to face the fact that the devil sometimes is not the basic problem as we often claim.
Rather it is our refusal to make appropriate DECISIONS and take the right steps; yes, it’s our refusal to take responsibility when necessary that often causes set back.
I put it to you today; do you want to succeed?
I mean do you really, really want to succeed in life?
Then read the 7 D’s of Success.
The 7 D’s of success are practical and proven step-by-step principle Keys that will help anybody willing to dare enough to take the bull by the horn. – Anyone who is ready to finds his or her way to the TOP of the Success Ladder.
As inspired by the Holy Ghost, I strongly believe that the following under-listed components of success are highly essential principles needed by anyone aspiring to succeed in the school of success.
Though they are the day-in-day-out words we often use and are so familiar with.
Yet they remain the golden rule that if observed, delivers success with certainty.
You will surely succeed and fulfill your dreams.
Happy reading…