We cannot magnify Jesus and magnify problems at the same time.

Fight the problems don't think of them. Be wise..
Devil oppress a man so that the man will become an idol worshipper..
Remember idolatry is one of the deadly sin before God..
Thou shall not worship any other God aside him..
Why is you problem now your God?...
Why are you paying more attention to your problem than the word of God?..
Why do you believe in your situations and problems more than the finished work of the cross?...
If truly you believed you are already saved by the blood why don't you then believe you will be bless also by the same cross that saved you..
Why crying with the mouth which you can as well use to pray?..
Do you know that it is a sin to cry because of a problem...
You are simply saying God is not enough for you..
You are saying He can't do it.. God can't be mocked..
What a man soweth he shall reap.. Galatians 6...
What are you sowing? Seed of sin such as fear, doubt, lie etc or seed of righteousness such as Faith, trust, giving etc...
Where are you sowing it? To the ground called flesh (what you feel like doing)or Spirit( what God want you to do)..
Check your your seed and ground today..
God want you with the best but to get the best is in your hands.
Watch and pray...
I Can Do It Mindset....
Christ Is Coming Again... C.C.A...
Trinity Voice Christian Centre Is 3.. Happy birthday in advance