Patience means to stay calm and accept a delay.

 When you lay hold of God's promises for  yourself or you believe God's word and you see that they is no manifestation yet in that which you believe. Know that what you believe is true and every promise you lay on have a manifestation day in your life. With you being Patience, it will come to pass.

" My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing that the trying of your faith work PATIENCE. Let PATIENCE have her full work, that you may be perfect and entire,wanting nothing ". James 1:1-3.

There is trier of faith and trier of faith means things that you will be test of whether what you believe is true to you or not, and it happen as a result of your faith in God.So if you are patience in the midst of all that, you will have complete manifestation in that you believe.

Your life is in a process, stay calm in this process and that which you hope for or believe will come to pass. Not every delay is bad, some are to help grow to enter into the fullness of what God want to do in,for or through you. Ask yourself whether this delay is a result to bring me growth in this or not? And not every delay is from God.

 " But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it".Romans 8: 25.
 Remember God is never late in glorifying himself in that which you believe in his word, so stay in the process and refuse to allow complain to stop what you believe.

 Lord help himself  to be patience in that which I believe in your word despite what the challenge is looking like in Jesus name. Amen.
 Stay blessed.