It is the delight of God to see you bear fruit.When you bear fruit it shows that you are growing and when you don't bear fruit, it shows that something is wrong. Are you bearing fruit?
God created you to bear fruit and if you bear fruit, you bring glory to him.
" Herein is my father glorified, that you bear much fruit " John 15:8.
To bear fruit here means to produce useful results with the gift or potential or talent given to you by God to bring gain to him which not only God gain but you too.For your stay here on earth is to bear fruit and not for you to engage in unfruitful things.
For if you do not bear fruit, you bring the anger of God upon yourself and therefore the unfruitful person will be cut down, that is to say, any unfruitful person will be made a vessel not useful by God and for that the vessel is destroyed.
" Every branch in me that bear not fruit he take away" John 15: 2. And if you bear fruit God purge you to bear more, making you to have reward here on earth and in eternity.
A good example is the parable of the talents, which a master gave every of his servants talents according to their ability in other for them to use it to bear fruit until he return but one of the servants did not use his own for anything but the other use theirs and those that use their talents was rewarded but the other one was cast to outer darkness. The one the unprofitable servant have was given to the one that work with his own talents.( Read Matthew 25:14-30 for it). This parable is a parable about the return of Christ, if Christ return, can you give account of any fruitful work you do with what God have invested in you?. For God had invested a lot in you, begin to discover and bear fruit.
- Lord help me to bear fruit in the name of Jesus.
- Lord instruct and direct me on how to bear fruits in the name of Jesus.
- Any arrow send to my destiny to make me fruitless, I send it back to sender, I declare I shall be fruitful in the name of Jesus.