Fearfulness means being nervous and afraid of something or somebody. This thing happen to most people but that is a wrong state of mind.
" For God had not given us THE SPIRIT OF FEAR: but of power, and of love, and of sound mind ." 2nd Timothy 1: 7
The Spirit of Fear is not of God, it is from the devil and he will try to make you fearful by bringing shadows or sound of creatures in other to steal from you. That is why you must not be fearful.
When you are fearful something is taking away from you by the devil. It can be your confidence or your rest or so on.
To let go of fear is to renew your mind to who you are in Christ as a believer.( Romans 12:2). With a renewed mind when shadow or sound of creature comes you will not buy into it.
However, you must keep believing and Speaking your reality in Christ and not stop.
Some they can't sleep alone, some they can't wake at night, some they are afraid that the evil that happen to others can happen to them.No! If you are a believer, you are in a covenant with God and knowing this covenant, believing it and walking in the light of it make you different from others even if it was a believer the arrow of the enemy succeeded on.
" Because thou has made the LORD, which is my refuge,even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling" Psalm 91:9-10.( read the full Psalm 91 too).
Evil is bound to happen, threat which bring fear is bound to happen but you have to stay firm in your reality in Christ,not it happen to this or that.
Israel was threaten which create fear in all but David rescue them from Goliath because he knew his God and he believe the power backing him. ( Read 1 Samuel 17:28-58). So step out in faith and let not fear hold you back in doing what is needful.
I resist fear and I declare I operate in soundness of mind and I am not unstable in my mind.I am instructed and directed by God today in the name of Jesus. Amen.
# Stay blessed #