" Confess your faults one to another, that ye may be healed.The EFFECTUAL FERVENT prayers of a righteous man AVAILED much." James 5:16.
Notice that word EFFECTUAL, it means producing the intended results, look again that word FERVENT, it means Passionate or zealous.Notice again that word AVAILED, it means benefit or help. So the above scripture can be put this way,
" Confess your fault one to another, and pray one for another that you may be healed. THE PRODUCING OF THE INTENTED RESULT PASSIONATE PRAYERS of a righteous man BENEFIT OR HELPS MUCH."
EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYING means praying EARNESTLY.Earnestly means sincere in attitude or intention.This kind of praying is take victory by force either the devil like it or not.Praying like that benefit much. Praying like that provoke quick manifestation of prayers.
A good example is the story of Hannah.Hannah was a barren woman waiting for the fruit of the womb from God but no answer from God. She change her style of waiting to effectual fervent praying.In doing that she was so carried away in prayer that she did not mind where she was.God used Prophet Eli to declare her victory before she stop praying.
( Read 1 Samuel 1:5-19)
Make good use of your prayer hours to pray earnestly and you will see that the good things that suppose to be postpone to further date will happen in few days. Stay blessed.
Lord look unto me in your mercy and help me that I may help others too in Jesus name.Amen.