"And this is the CONFIDENCE that we have in him, that, if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him." 1 John 5:14-15.
The WILL of God is our confidence in prayer. Praying without the knowledge of the will of God concerning what we seek will only bring frustration but if we pray according to his will, he will hear and we will have the petition that we desire of him.
There are stages in our life as believers and we are to pass through all to allow our inheritance which we have in Christ Jesus to manifest to the seeing of all. One of this stages is longsuffering, it is God's will that we suffer long( meaning Endure in Christ and not turn away from the faith because of affliction or persecution or your desire not met yet). Know the time you are in and pray that you will enter into the fullness of what God have for you and not compare yourself with someone who have pass that process before he or she get to where they are.
Knowing the will of God brings confidence in what you pray for.And to know the will of God is to lay hold of God's word in Study and meditation.
Matthew 6:18-20 revealed that God know what we are in need and should not be like the Gentiles placing needs and not ready to yield to his instruction and his instruction is to seek first the kingdom of God. So check your prayer life whether you are praying out of experience or praying according to the will of God. It is according to the will of God, you are to pray because it brings confidence. Stay blessed.
Lord I thank you for your will that you have delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of your dear son, Colossians 1:13.I set anyone oppressed by demons or devils at night or day here and I declare you free from their captivity in Jesus name. Amen.