Your team are people you associate yourself with. If you have the wrong ones it will affect the grace of God in your life causing you to live a frustrated Christian life. Are your team still with God?.
A good example is the story of Israel possessing their possession finally.God commanded Joshua to follow a particular pattern in possessing the land of Jericho and warn them not to tak
Joshua was displeased to see Ai won against them. He cry unto God asking him what Happen? God revealed it to him that someone among them had taken the accursed and if the person is not punished, they will not continue to possess their possessions.Joshua punished Achan and his household to death as commanded by God. The land of Ai was given to them to possess and they possess it.Joshua 7:1-26, 8:1-35.
Are you checking your team you pastor or believer? For the wrong people in your team are those one doing their own and not following your lead.Even if they follow, it is not all. And therefore doing things at your back causing the anger of God in the blessed work he had given you.With the natural eyes only you will not know and only if your spiritual eyes are open .
Even you that have a friend or family? Is your friend or family in the part of God or not? For you bring the wrath of God upon yourself if they are not of God when you yoke with them.Check by observing their ways and in prayers just as Joshua did. For you only possess or move forward if you have the right people with you. Check your team.
- Lord reveal to me the people you have put me in charge if by anyway they are going against you in Jesus name.
- Lord revive me and restore unto me all that i have loss due to satanic agent in my team in Jesus name.