Morning Manna....................
Jeremiah 6:16 (KJV) Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
The main problem of humanity in serving God is that we know more than God.
The first thing God told Adam in the Garden Of Eden was How to live right in the way that will please Him by giving him instruction.
When Moses will build a temple, God told Him How to build it. So also Solomon according to the book of 2 chronicles 3.
Devil manipulated our knowledge of the kingdom by making us believe Old Testament is not valid in serving God.
Modern church belief system is the murderer of Christianity.
The body of Christ is still bleeding seriously because of how we are still murdering His body with our corrupt knowledge of God.
It is no longer a sin since Grace is all we need that a sister will fornicate first yet she will still come to church to lead the praise and worship.
I wonder the kind of fellowship we are having now when those leading are having strife against each other.
Yahoo guys offering and sacrifices are always accepted since Grace will cover them. Did God receive Cain offering?
Our body offering is what God want first. Romans 12:1-2
Jesus said fellowship of the brethren. Are we really brethren or burden?
According to the above scripture, the people said they won't walk in the old paths.
Is it not what is happening now.
No one is employed and you do things the way you want it. It is how the employer as set it to be done.
Why are you serving God in your own way?
Remember your righteousness will always be like a filthy rags before him.
This was why Jesus said another teacher is coming that will daily teach you what to do.
We are told He will not even speak of His own but that which He heareth the Father speaketh.
We are told He will show us things to come and remind us what our teacher Jesus Christ has also taught us.
Remember it is those that are led by the Holy Spirit are the children of God.
Ask yourself, are you a child of God?
Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I pray today that you will not labour in vain in your services to God. Jesus said they will say in your name we did all manners of wonders but I will tell them I never knew you. May this voice never be yours in Jesus name.
Operation I will walk in His way only. # I Can Do It Mindset
Tomorrow 25th Sept. 2018 speaks about you
Happy Birthday to You in Advance
Oladapo Hannah Abigial
Many Happy Returns
Tomorrow 25th Sept. 2018 speaks about you
Happy Birthday to You in Advance
Oladapo Hannah Abigial
Many Happy Returns