Word of the day by Akinyemi Tolulope Olabisi (c.e.o. ATBLOG)

Word of the day by Akinyemi Tolulope Olabisi (c.e.o. ATBLOG)

Few days ago, I posted a quote on my WhatsApp status

"Not until you picture the future, you can not feature in the future". 

In reference to this..... My father Apostle Daini Favour Seun once said "What you can't picture you can't feature".

For you to feature in your future or in anything in life, you need to first picture it/ draw the plan of how it will look like and how to go about it.

A person who happens to be an actor that want to produce a movie will first picture it and write out to script before going fully in shooting it out and later come a movie been watch in our homes. That when you and you say " that person is good in acting".

Biblically, God first picture what He wanted to create by saying "let's create man in our image". He looked at himself, pictured it very well and later formed man just as He looked like. After creating man He at Him in (Genesis 1:31) And God saw everything He had made, and behold, it was very good".

For God to have pictured what He wanted to create, that you that He had created in his image must first picture what you want to do and picture the result/profit and gain.

Hear this, even if it profits you on earth, will it profit you in heaven? " what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and looses his own soul? What shall he use in exchange? ".

The best thing for you now is to picture first whatever you want to engage yourself in so that that you can feature in it.

God bless you!!! Have a great week ahead!!!

#I can do it mindset# 